High-end drying technology
from adphos

A printing company specialising in the production of decors and packaging has opted for the adphos aNIR® drying solution as part of the upgrade of a 5-colour gravure printing press. The convection drying system, which previously ran on fossil fuels, will be replaced by the all-electric aNIR® drying solution.

Before the contract was awarded, various drying solutions were tested and compared, including systems with IR short and medium wave radiation. The adphos aNIR® drying solution impressed with the following advantages.

Energy savings of over 55 per cent compared to conventional IR systems, thanks to the higher efficiency and instant on/off capability of the adphos aNIR® system. The compact dryer configuration leads to a reduction in web travel of over 70 per cent and contributes to a reduction in waste. Furthermore, dynamic process parameter adjustments, including machine speed ramp-up and ramp-down, result in colour-to-colour print registration and matching during the printing process.


adphos, based in Upper Bavaria, consists of a group of companies focussing on the development of adphosNIR® technology. A technology with which thermal processes can be reduced and realised on a smaller footprint. Thanks to its global presence via subsidiaries and cooperation partners in many European countries, the USA, Japan and other industrialised nations, short distances and local support are guaranteed.

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