2nd quarter 2024 Themen

Sustainable plastics traceable Covestro and Alibaba Cloud

Driven by consumer expectations and regulatory requirements, it is becoming increasingly important to measure the use of sustainable materials and carbon footprint data along the value chain. To do this, calculation methods must be consistently ensured to enable traceability. Covestro is tackling this challenge in a partnership with Alibaba Cloud, the technology and information division of the Chinese Alibaba Group.

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Miraclon Shine LED lamp set for Fleksograf studio prepress

“It is a very good solution for flexo plate manufacturers who want to increase their production efficiency by switching to LED exposure at a very competitive cost,” says Adam Malengowski, Head of Prepress at the Polish flexo prepress company Fleksograf studio prepress, describing his experience with the Shine LED lamp set from Miraclon.

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Water-based decor printing energy-efficient and CO2 emission-free

Thanks to a newly developed aLITE (advanced Light Initiated Thermal Emission) technology from adphos, the energy-efficient and completely CO2-free production of water-based decor on PVC films is now possible. The aLITE drying solution combines powerful photonic energy input with temperature-controlled impingement air to bring about local vapour absorption with defined moisture removal.

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BVDM: infoKompakt on Green Claims Advertising correctly with environmental claims

Two new EU directives are intended to prevent greenwashing and protect consumers from false environmental claims about products and services. In an online information event, the German Printing and Media Industries Federation (BVDM) will provide information on the current status of regulation and the practical requirements that may arise in the future, particularly for advertising with environmental claims.

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BVDM economic telegram May 2024 Business climate declines slightly

Following the significant increase in April, the seasonally and calendar-adjusted business climate in the German print and media industry fell slightly in May 2024. The decline in the business climate was largely determined by the decrease in business expectations, while the business situation index continued the recovery trend that began in February in May. Adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, the business climate index calculated by the German Printing and Media Industries Federation was around 1.1 per cent below the previous month’s figure. At 91.5 points, the index in May was therefore around 0.5 per cent below the previous year’s level.

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